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About First Steps

What is First Steps?

First Steps is a family centered early intervention program for infants and toddlers from birth to age three who may not be growing and learning appropriately for their age or who have a medical condition(s) that would likely lead to developmental delays.

To support families in their natural care giving roles, First Steps brings families together with various therapists and other professionals to address the developmental delays of children that are determined to be in need of therapy services. These voluntary services are typically offered in the family's home or other natural environment.

Central Indiana First Steps is part of the Indiana First Steps Early Intervention Program.  Indiana First Steps is Indiana's response to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part C.

Central Indiana First Steps

Through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), funds are made available to states to implement a statewide system of services for infants and toddlers with developmental delays.  In Indiana, First Steps is administered at a local level in regions. These regions are groups of counties known as "clusters." Click here to view a map of all First Steps Clusters in Indiana.  The Central Indiana Cluster

(Cluster G) includes Hamilton, Hendricks, Johnson, Marion, Morgan, and Tipton Counties.

Each Cluster/Region utilizes Local Planning and Coordinating Councils (LPCCs) and System Points of Entry (SPOEs) to implement the First Steps program locally.  LPCCs and SPOEs are responsible for helping families access First Steps services and for monitoring the achievement of various federal and state outcomes.


ProKids, Inc.

Each Cluster LPCC and SPOE is operated by a Fiscal Agent, or the entity that holds the contract for administering First Steps services in a particular region.  in Cluster G, a 501(c) 3 tax-exempt, not-for-profit corporation called ProKids, Inc. holds the state contract for fiscal agent services and is the employer of the Central Indiana First Steps LPCC, SPOE, and Assessment Team staff. 

ProKids, Inc. Mission Statement
ProKids exists to promote the health and development of young children through: 1) access to available programs and 2) education of family members and those who provide services to families and children. 

The goals of ProKids are to establish priorities for and oversee the appropriation and use of relevant private, state and federal funds for building and supporting a comprehensive system, child/family advocacy, and child-centered services in Indiana.

Our experience with First Steps was one of the best things for my son. 
He learned to walk and do sign language. 
Now he is successful in school" 
JW, Parent

ProKids Board of Directors

The goals of ProKids are to establish priorities for and oversee the appropriation and use of relevant private, state and federal funds for building and supporting a comprehensive system for child-centered services in Indiana.  Our ProKids Directors help achieve these goals.

Jeff Chapman.jpg

Jeff Chapman


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Lisa Price

Vice President

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Melanie Stone


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Cami Demaree


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Pam Humes

Avatar 83


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Avatar 103



ProKids Staff Leadership

Debbi Davis.jpg
Debbi Davis
Executive  Director
Stacy Williams_edited.jpg
Stacy Williams
Associate & LPCC Director
Angie Dick.jpg
Angie Dick
Human Resources Director
Polly Hines.JPG
Polly Hines
Assessment Team Manager
Katarina Groves
LPCC Coordinator
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Kesha Germany.jpg
Kesha Germany
Executive Assistant
Rachel Eastman.jpg
Rachel Eastman
SPOE Director
Kacey Matthews_edited.jpg
Kacey Matthews
SPOE Training Coordinator
Sydney LaPlante
SPOE Team Manager
Angela Tousseull
LPCC Coordinator
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Alicia Cardoza
SPOE Team Manager
Krista Knowles
SPOE Team Manager
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Erin Sears_edited.jpg
Erin Sears
SPOE Team Manager
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Terri Holmes
Sarah Lambert
SPOE Team Manager
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